Taking part in the 'Transition to School' process gives you and your child a better understanding of how school works, thereby making it easier to get your child's schooling underway when the 'big day' comes.
Click here for our online enrolment form
Children who are turning five should be enrolled on-line six months before their fifth birthday. Once this is done, children and parents will be invited to our 'Transition to School' sessions in the term before they start. No child will be able to start without a face to face interview (which usually occurs at these Transition Sessions).
Children can only be formally enrolled at school once they turn 5 years of age. All children on enrolment require verification of their date of birth – we will take a copy of their birth certificate or passport. As we operate an enrolment scheme all parents/caregivers enrolling children need to provide the school with proof of address. If the house is owned, either a utility bill or Mortgage agreement needs to be provided. If the house is being rented, a tenancy agreement will need to be sighted. If there is a situation where someone is residing in a home without either owning or renting the property, legal documentation provided by the school will need to be completed, and also signed by a Justice of the Peace.
Children entering NZ school for the first time also require an immunisation certificate (obtained from your G.P or Practice Nurse) and dental forms completed.