What will my child need to start school?
Children must have purchased, and be wearing, school uniform before starting. Please label any of your child’s clothing that is likely to be left lying about.Your child will also need a school bag, lunch box and drink bottle (all named).
What are the stationery requirements?
These can be bought through the school office at the start of the school year. On-going requirements throughout the year will be conveyed to you by a note from your child’s class teacher. Children may buy these items any day before school from the school office.
Send your child to school every day unless ill – nothing upsets children more than a broken routine. If your child has to stay away please send a note, phone, e-mail or leave a message giving the reason. This is protection against truancy, and to ensure the children are safe. If you know your child is going to be absent, and especially for any length of time, please notify the school office or report the absense through Hero.
Contact Information
Make sure the school is informed of any change of address, phone number or place of parents’ work, mobile phone numbers, and emergency contacts at any time. It is also important to ensure that your child knows the way home from school (if walking), or whether they are going to be met/picked up after school or not.
Car Park
Due to congestion in our car park, and danger to children using the Everglade Drive crossing before and after school, we have had to shut our electric gates during these busy times. The gates are on a timer and will be closed between 8:30am-9:00am, and 3:00-3:15pm. Please be mindful that if you park inside the gates during these times, you will not be able to get out to the road until the gates re-open at the above times.
Collecting children early
From time to time it is necessary to pick children up before 3 p.m. for medical appointments etc. Please make sure you sign children out at the school office.
Where shall I pick my child up at 3:00pm?
Children will be released from their classrooms at 3pm, so picking your child up outside of their classroom at 3pm would be ideal. However, if picking your child up outside of their classroom isn't suitable, in the interest of safety, we encourage parents to establish a meeting point to pick them up at 3 p.m. For Year 0 / Year 1 children, we recommend parents collect their children directly outside the classroom. Students who are waiting at school beyond 3:10pm are asked to wait outside the school library.
Everglade Drive School Crossing
A team of Year 6 children, supervised by staff, and trained by the transport division of the Police dept, patrol the pedestrian crossing and the De Havilland Drive intersection between 8.30–8.55 a.m. and 2:55-3:15pm each day. Everglade Drive is a very busy and dangerous road – please ensure both yourself, and your child, crosses Everglade Drive at the pedestrian crossing.
Health care at school
If your child becomes ill or has an accident at school, they will be made as comfortable as possible at school, and parents or emergency contacts telephoned. If parents or guardians cannot be contacted and it is considered that immediate treatment by trained medical personnel is necessary, your child will be taken to either the doctors, or an ambulance will be called.
Normally if your child needs regular medication during the school day he / she should be kept at home until health is restored. However in cases where long term medication is needed, eg for asthmatics or allergy sufferers, the Principal and classroom teacher should be fully informed, and clearly labeled medicines should be kept in the sick bay.
Late to school
All children arriving at school after 8.55 a.m. must report to the office before going to class, and sign in using the Vistab tablet.
Visitors to school
All visitors to school must sign in through the school office.
Sweets and treats
We discourage ‘birthday treats’ being brought to school for sharing. Teachers will acknowledge and celebrate students birthdays using their established class traditions.